Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rhonda Byrnes Helps Us Get The Magic Back Into Our Lives

Rhonda Byrnes Helps Us Get The Magic Back Into Our Lives

I’ve been inspired by Rhonda Byrne’s writings since The Secret. I love her teachings because the practices are truly self-centered. You don’t have to have any special tools or privilege to access this information. And it’s based on the simple Law of Attraction, like attracts like. You attract what you focus on. By focusing on the positive, we bring more positive and good to our lives. Because we are changing our vibration….we let go of the negative, fear, anger and surround ourselves with the light of love and abundance.
Long ago we were taught that God promised us our heart’s desire if we ask and believe. But more than likely our good God-fearing, bible-toting caregivers, teachers and the media infused our life with fear and doubt. Fear of doing wrong, the troubles we’d see if we didn’t go a certain path, how there are so many bad hateful people we have to be weary, always looking over our shoulder. We grow to dread late night phone calls because it was inevitably bad news. Why couldn't it be someone in another time zone sharing a good fortune or inviting us on an all expense paid vacation? We fear the dark; fear change, even the unfamiliar… Life is a struggle. Women of color can only do so much. There is never enough money. Men are low down dirty dogs not to be trusted. Guard your heart. You’ll never make money as a dancer, writer, or actress so get those dreams out of your head and get one of those good government jobs. Don’t expect too much out of life and you won’t be disappointed. But I thought you said I can be anything I want, I can have my heart desires if I’m good. Well, why would God give me these desires if I’m not supposed to want them?
 Yes, most of us were required to go to church every Sunday, perhaps bible class on Wednesdays and Vacation Bible School during the summers, but they were counteracting all that good with steadily focusing on the negative in the world. And for whatever reason most of us soak up all that fear, belief in lack and anger and carry it through life. We grew angry with God, the bible and church because we just went with what was taught instead of seeking our own interpretations of God’s word. So now, in order to live a life of abundance,  it is our mission to get back to our right minds. Return to the way of thinking that assures me I am a Child of the Most High, a Queen and everything I touch turns to gold or platinum.
“I discovered a secret about life, and as a result of my discovery one of the things I began to do was practice gratitude each day. As a result of this, everything in my life changed, and the more I practiced, the more miraculous were the results. My life truly became magical,” explains Byrne in her book, The Magic.

 “There is an exquisite feeling many of us had as children, that everything is good, that every day promises more excitement and adventure and nothing could ever thwart our joy for the magic of it all.  But somehow as we grew into adults, responsibilities, problems and difficulties took their toll on us, we became disillusioned and the magic we once believed in as children faded and disappeared.
“I am here to tell you that the magic you once believed in is true, and it’s the disillusioned adult perspective of life that is false. The magic of life is real and it’s as real as you are.
“In fact, life can be far more wondrous than you ever thought it was as a child, and more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting than anything you’ve seen before.  When you know what to do to bring forth the magic, you will live the life of your dreams.
The book features twenty eight practices that teach how to use gratitude’s power to revolutionize your health, money, job and relationships and to make your smallest desires and your biggest dreams come true. It also claims to also teach how to practice gratitude to dissolve problems and transform any negative situation. There are practices like The Magic Check (remember the infamous check Jim Carey wrote to himself which made him a millionaire), Make All Your Wishes Come True, Magically Heal Relationships, Magically Transform Mistakes Into Blessings and so much more.
The practices are designed to be completed consecutively, allowing you to make gratitude a habit and a new way of life.
The first twelve practices use the magical power of gratitude for what you have now and for what you’ve received in the past, because unless you’re grateful for what you have, and what you’ve received, the magic won’t work. These practices are said will set the magic of gratitude into motion immediately.
The next ten practices use the magical power of gratitude for your desires and dreams.
In the last six practices, you learn how to use gratitude’s magical power to help others, dissolve problems, and improve any negative situation or circumstance you may encounter throughout your life.
I have a lot of built up resistance so although I’ve been seeing the magic, I’ve not become a master magician in 28 days. Due to my current state of consciousness, I was unable to do some of the practices so I would skip to one more to my level of comfort. However I have remained consistent to Counting My Blessings, the first practice taught, every day for the past few months, and I have seen changes in my life.
My life is still not all cocktails and cupcakes but I feel more hopeful and happy. The fog is lifting. And I am able to really get joy from things once taken for granted.
So yes, I recommend adding The Magic to your arsenal of positive literature. Join me in becoming a master magician of life.


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